Style Conventions

We use the following special formatting throughout this guide:

Bold text indicates most user interface elements, such as:

  • Data you are expected to enter, such as in a text field
  • Pages, buttons, tabs, and field names
  • Dialog boxes, drop-down lists, selections within lists, and check box titles
  • Windows
  • Menu items

Italic text indicates the following:

  • File and folder names
  • Java classes, PL/SQL objects and executable files
  • Document titles

CAPITAL text indicates keyboard commands, such as ENTER, or database components.

Courier text indicates command-line input/output.

<brackets> indicate user entry. For example, <host> indicates you should replace the text and angle brackets with your server name.

Book titles are shown in italics and sections within a book are in quotation marks, such as “Starting the Installation” in the ONESOURCE Indirect Tax Determination Installation Guide.

This pencil symbol indicates suggestions or additional information.

This warning symbol indicates important text that you should review before proceeding.

This carriage return symbol indicates that a single line of code is divided into multiple lines so you can read it. If you copy and paste code with these symbols, be sure to keep the code before and after the carriage return on the same line.

  1. /* Code snippets have numbered lines with a gray background. */

    • /* Be cautious if you copy lines from the code snippets‑the line numbers are included! */